Saturday, July 13, 2013

Teen Mom Can Beat The Odds

Why am I still awake at 2:00am? I am motivated, passionate and driven. Most people know I was a teen mom. Beating all odds More than 1/2 will not even finish high school, less than 2% don't even earn a college degree, 1/4 will have another baby within 24 months, 8 out of 10 dads don't marry the mother. I got married to my high school sweetheart and father of our children Travis (9) and BellaRose (2) and finished school in the field I wanted to be in. Nothing alone my road was easy and nothing was handed to me. My sons Dad would work in the morning and I worked at night. We had to sacrifice our relationship and party years. I paid for my first car, insurance, baby diapers, clothes, insurance and food.

I feel the need to share my story because if it can help 1 teen mom it will be worth it. Looking back at the 18 and 19 year old me I would have so much to say. I would tell my younger self not to get comfortable in life because no matter what time will pass and your hopes and dreams will still be hopes in dreams if you do not believe in yourself. No one cares more about you and your child then you do! The only way to break the cycle, odds and statistics is to believe that you are not just another statistic. It is time to step up and shine. It is time to believe that you matter and that you too can make a difference in the world by believing in yourself and faith that God will not give you more than you can handle. Believe that you can find a path and by placing goals on the path you will be able to stay strong and close all the rotten doors and keep moving forward until that one door opens for you. You will not be able to find that door by waiting for someone to knock on your door because waiting behind one door limits you. Get on the path to success and choose a door that fits the life you want to be living. From one teen mom to another I know you are not just a number or statistic. Time to step out of your comfort zone and push forward because life is short and time will pass.

This is a picute of Ashley and I. Ashley was in my graduating class. In school we could not stand one another. We were polar opposites. It just so happen that one day while going to my doctors visit guess who was there for her doctor visit. It was Ashely and her husband. We found out we had more in common than we had different. We both have strong drive and passion. Ashely would do anything for a stranger. She is so warm hearted, funny, nice, outgoing, and did I mention she is on track to graduate college as well before her 30th birthday! Congratulations Ashley because your hardwork is going to pay off! 

You can find me now as Team Beachbody Coach. I am staying healthy and active not just for me but for my children. Investing in your health is the best give you can give.                 

1 comment:

  1. Karissa you are a wonderful person to be around. Never thought we would be were we are today, from high school enemy's to best friends. You keep me in track all the time. As a teen mom it is never easy but some how we have beat the odds. I think that is because we have great guys to hold us up at our weakest time. Thanks for the kind words, Karissa, you are the best.
